Healthy Burrito Recipe | Black Beans
This meal was so good I can’t wait to have the leftovers!!
Try this out for dinner this week, it was so easy to make and so delicious.
Healthy Burrito Recipe:
- Black Bean Mix (see recipe below)
- Lentil,rice,quino mix (all 3 cooked then sauteed with turmeric, tomatoes and spinach)
- Tortillas
- Sliced red & yellow peppers
- diced tomatoes
- sliced lettuce
(You can use all 3 from the lentil, rice mix or just pick 1. This recipe would be great too with just rice or quinoa, I just happen to have this mix left over in my fridge from my Healthy Stuffed Pepper Recipe .)
Top it off with the shredded lettuce and tomatoes, you can also add cheese, salsa or sour cream too. This Burrito was soooo good and I made a few extra for us to reheat and have for lunch tomorrow!!
Have you actually ever had Black Beans…or cooked with them? They are so GOOD, you can add any spice, flavour you want and use them in so many different ways. You can buy them in bulk loosely and pre-cook them yourself or in a can, but when buying in a can always check the nutrition lable. Some will come soaked in sodium like I mean 390mg. Look for the “no salt added” on the front and always make sure to rinse them with water in a strainer before you use them.
- High in Fiber.
- Help fight cancer & the effects of aging.
- High in Magnesium which improves blood, oxygen and the nutrients that flow in the veins and arteries.
- A great source of Iron, like red meat but with lower calories and fat.
- 1 1/3 cup of cooked Black beans will equal the amount of Protein in a 3-4 oz piece of chicken.
Here’s the recipe and pic of my standard black bean mix . I’ll make a big batch up and put in the fridge for a few different recipes for the week. This mix is also great just over wild rice with a side of sauteed leeks or any other vegetable.
My Black Bean Mix Ingredients:
- Douce of Olive Oil
- 4 Shallots
- 4 cloves of Garlic
- 3 sprigs of Green Onions
- 1/2 tsp. ground Cloves
- 1 Tbs ground Cumin
- 1/3 cup of Pine nuts
- 1 1/2- 2 cups of cooked Black Beans (or 1 can)
- 3/4 cup of Stock
While your Black beans are cooking or if your using canned then rinse them and let strain, chopped up your garlic, shallots and onions get your spices out and your pot ready.
Saute Shallots, garlic and pine nuts and mix in pot until carmalized.
Add green onions and spices.
Throw your cooked black beans in and add your vegetable stock then mix, let it cook down a little (you don’t want it watery)
Crush some of the beans with the back of a spoon.
Vola, so easy.. remove from the stove and serve or cool for storage.